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National PRIOR Learning Day Certificate

Please send any photos of your 'Extreme PRIORing' to: or

for us to share on our website!

We would love to make some PRIOR Pen Pals so feel free to send us a Tactile PRIOR post card! 

The Royal School for The Blind

Church Road North



L15 6TQ

RSB School Logo.jpg

National PRIOR Learning Day!

When is National PRIOR Learning Day? 

PRIOR is celebrated on the 26th September every year.

When is National PRIOR Learning Day? 26th September

What is PRIOR Learning?

PRIOR is a tactile pre braille letter shape system for visually impaired and blind children. PRIOR takes a tactile simplified shape approach to braille dot formations, making it easier for children of all abilities to access from an early age. The idea of PRIOR is to introduce learners to basic letter shapes, equipping them with the skills required for future progression onto braille. PRIOR is broken down into 5 stages of development working on phonic understanding, fine motor skills, and letter recognition.

Why Should We Celebrate?

  This day will raise awareness for the importance of pre-braille learning, what this involves, and provide an opportunity for a day of inclusive and fun activities in schools across the world. Children of all abilities will gain an insight into what life is like learning to read by touch, as well as learn to be mindful and supportive of the visually impaired and blind community.

How to celebrate National PRIOR Learning Day:

Extreme PRIOR-ing – Find an out of the ordinary environment and use your body to form a PRIOR letter shape. See how many people you can involve spelling out a word or phrase. Take a photo to share.  #extremeprioring

PRIOR Pals – Make a PRIOR post card and mail to The Royal School for The Blind Liverpool. Let’s see who can send a post card from the furthest away location!

Be Creative – Create a PRIOR alphabet display using tactile materials relating to each letter sound. For example, buttons for ‘b’, coffee for ‘c’, pasta for ‘p’ etc.

Sensory Play – Hide PRIOR letter shapes or tactile letters in various substances such as shaving foam, soil, sand, shredded paper, and spaghetti. See if you can find the shapes through touch alone and identify which letter you have found.

Make a Mess – Create a sensory scavenger hunt for learners to search through a range of different messy containers, to find a secret message or object. Wear plain old clothes and see who can finish covered in the most mess.

PRIOR Pizza – Make a range of pizzas in the shape of a prior letter shape, with different PRIOR shape toppings. Enjoy your meal as a group and see if you can guess each other’s topping flavours by only using the senses smell, taste and touch.

Fun facts about National PRIOR Learning Day

The name PRIOR is used as it is all about developing the skills required, prior to learning braille.

PRIOR also stands for 5 stages of learning, Play/Participation, Realisation, Identification, Orientation, and Recognition/Refine.

In addition, PRIOR is named after the founder’s family surname, Jade Kathryn Prior-Smith.

National PRIOR Learning Day was first celebrated at The Royal School for The Blind Liverpool 2023, for the founder’s 30th Birthday.

What’s the hashtag for National PRIOR Learning Day?

  Raise awareness for the importance of prior braille skills by using the hashtag #PRIORTactileLearning

Make learning a PRIOR-ity!

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